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Roles & Learnings


January 2016 - Present

Software Programming

My skill set in this field includes Logical Thinking and Problem Solving experiences as well as various programming languages used to tackle specific tasks. Throughout the years, I have developed a number of applications and IoT systems for communities, personal projects, competitions and industrial works.

June 2013 - Present

Taekwondo Athlete, Malaysia

Long years of experience in Taekwondo Malaysia as a Senior Black-belt Athlete did not only teach me Martial Art techniques; but other important aspects like Discipline, Determination, Physical and Mental Strength, Leadership, Respect and all that tends towards who I am today. I have participated in Major National Competitions and International ones as well, after each emerging as a stronger person than before.

January 2017 - Present

Leader, Boys' Brigade Malaysia

Since the year 2017, I started picking up Leadership and Managing skills especially in the Boys' Brigade Malaysia Uniformed Association. Currently in the Boys' Brigade, I obtained a ranking of Lance Corporal and emerged as the Percussion Section Leader in 2019; being a NCO (Non-Commissioned-Officer) myself have greatly changed my perspective towards Leadership.

June 2018 - December 2018

Pitch Manager, Digital Ninja 2018

The Digital Ninja Accelerator's Lab is a programme organised to hone selected Malaysian student's skill and provide exposure to innovative thinking and inspire change makers. During the 6 months intensive camp, I was assigned as the Pitch Manager for the group; I wrote scripts for pitches and advised on the format and language of others. Our group emerged as the top 7 out of a total of 20+ groups.

May 2016 - Present

Pitching and Presentation

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